Home School Relations
Open Door Policy
Good communication is much more than the exchange of information. It is through effective and interactive communication that information is transmitted, understanding is developed and shared, trust is built, confidentiality respected and action coordinated. Communication includes not only the message but also how that message is communicated. Good communication promotes partnership.
Parents are an important part of The Egyptian Schools family and communication between the school and home is essential! The school commits to an open door policy welcoming engagement, continuous feedback, contribution to decision making and discussion for continuous improvement. Throughout the academic year several opportunities are provided to ensure a successful partnership including Orientations, Open Houses, Individual Meetings & Counseling, and Focus Groups.
The Egyptian Schools welcomes volunteers from our community to share their knowledge, experience and contribute to our students’ learning experience.
Parents, former students and community members are invited to volunteer to participate in the following ways:
- Judges in academic displays
- Guest speakers about topics of general interest
- Reading & story time in class
- Career orientations and awareness
- Character building and self health / hygiene sessions
Our dear parents volunteered in our character building sessions and talked about their professions.
They fulfilled our objective, as we teach for life, in assisting our students to reach their goals and widen their scope to know different kinds of professions that would help them in their real life.
School Events
Parents are invited to attend different school events to share their children’s success and discovering their capabilities and getting the best out of them.
PTA Parent Teachers Association
PTA is a clear authorized channel that plays on creating this kind of link that would tighten the bond between administration and family members in a professional way.