Awards & Achievements
Awards help people excel, strive and achieve. Striving is a common quality among people, whatever their objective is, but not all those who strive achieve .This is the reason why, we as a school, award our different pillars, whether pupils or teachers.
-Academic Achievements
Students who are outstanding academically will receive Certificates of Merit to honor their achievements.
-Outstanding Achievements
Other outstanding achievements will be displayed throughout the school premises.
-Ideal Students
Ideal students are also honored and praised.
-Exceptional Personal Traits
Students with exceptional personal traits are rewarded to acknowledge their excellence in the school honor days.
-Outstanding Academy
Students who are outstanding academically will receive Certificates of Merit to honor their achievements.
-distinguished achievements
Students with distinguished achievements will be granted special cups and medals.
-Academic Achievements
Students who are outstanding academically will receive Certificates of Merit to honor their achievements.
-Outstanding Achievements
Other outstanding achievements will be displayed throughout the school premises.
-Ideal Students
Ideal students are also honored and praised.
-Exceptional Personal Traits
Students with exceptional personal traits are rewarded to acknowledge their excellence in the school honor days.
-Outstanding Academy
Students who are outstanding academically will receive Certificates of Merit to honor their achievements.
-distinguished achievements
Students with distinguished achievements will be granted special cups and medals.
Mohamed El Boroulloussi 2009
المصرى اليوم : مصرى يفوز بجائزة “ماكس برنستيل” الدولية لاكتشافه آلية جديدة لمواجهة التشوهات الجينية