EAIS 6 Keys

- Critical Thinking
- Problem Solving
- Academic Excellence
- Collaboration
- Leadership
- Citizenship
Our goal is to impart the academic knowledge and life skills that our students need to become critical thinkers and problem solvers to excel academically, and also to instill the values of respect, responsibility and a collective consciousness. We teach for life to allow our students to succeed beyond their schooling and become positive contributors as citizens of their communities at large.

University Requirements
Student entrance to universities (local or international) requires the students to achieve scores that are based on 60% from standardized testing and 40% from school course work. The school provides intensive and professional standardized testing preparation classes beginning grade 9 to prepare students to tackle the exams and achieve the best results.
To be granted admission to any institute of higher learning in Egypt, students must receive minimum scores as stipulated annually by universities.
Students graduation scores are calculated by taking 40% of the top 8 marks received in grade 10 (max. of 1 grade), grade 11 (max. of 3 grades) and grade12 (min. of 5 grades), and 60% of the standardized test score.
Passing marks and subject requirements are subject to change based on Egyptian Ministry of Education and university requirements. Individual consulting is conducted throughout the year with students and parents to estimate students’ graduation results and provide counseling with regard to university choices.
For more information on university acceptance and requirements please visit https://tansik.egypt.gov.eg

Expectations / Values and Beliefs
School Quality Policy
In quest for perfection, we are determined to bring up a new generation equipped with efficient and effective tools to face the challenge of ever-changing professional demands in life beyond school. The entire EAIS family endeavors to create constancy of purpose towards improvement of the student body and the service provided to them.
We aspire to develop outstanding students who use discipline, motivation and self direction to reach their fullest potential.
Means to achieve our goals reside in providing training for students, teachers and administrators, creating a democratic environment and spirit of teamwork amongst all members of the school family.
At EAIS we believe . . .
Students’ learning needs are the primary focus of all decisions impacting the school’s educational program.
Each student is a valued individual with unique intellectual, physical, social and emotional needs.
All students are capable of learning and need to apply their learning skills in meaningful contexts.
A student’s self esteem is enhanced by positive relationships and mutual respect among students and faculty.
Embracing diversity strengthens individuals and enriches life.
Every student can and should learn.
At EAIS we commit to . . .
- Have a clear view of where we are going.
- Strive constantly to recognize the achievements of all students.
- Encourage staff and students to achieve their highest potential.
- Nurture the uniqueness and individualism of every child.
- Guide our students in a way that will encourage them to satisfy the needs of their society and improve it.
- Develop each student’s sense of self- esteem and self-respect.
- Employ an excellent staff who is highly motivated and committed.
- Have an innovative and challenging curriculum.
- Be committed to education as a life- long process.
- Develop strong parent- teacher- student cooperation.
Student Expectations
The Egyptian American International School has the highest standards of expectations for students.
Students are expected to…
- Be respectful at all times- respectful of themselves, their fellow classmates, the faculty and staff, and their school.
- Adhere to school rules at all times or face proper consequences.
- Speak in English at all times.
- Be on time- to school, classes, and various school events.
- Be in proper school uniform.
- Work hard and diligently.
- Be a role model at all times- in and out of school.
- Have a positive school ethic.
- Set and meet personal goals.
- Believe that there is nothing that cannot be achieved through hard work and perseverance.