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Headmistress’s Letter

Miss Batta

Your Headmistress

To All my students

As students, you are the most important part of ELS community. We are partners in flourishing and achieving your dreams.

Your high school is an important step in your successful life journey. Therefore,it is very important to take all the opportunities provided to you during the academic year.

ELS provides positive and safe educational environment which is a strong foundation for yourlife journey. Your high school can be fun, exciting, and rewarding provided that your behavior is positive. You will find all your teachers, administrators includingmyself helping and guiding along this part of your journey. We only want the best for your lives.Accordingly, startsetting your goals for your future carrier and take the advantage of the hands on. You will always remember – this special time- your high school years.

Finally, remember that:

  • I believe in You

  • I trust you

  • You are Important

  • You are Respected

  • You are Successful


Miss Batta

Your Headmistress